Senin, 02 Juli 2012



* Let us appreciate the work .....? *

It is currently looking for a job is hard! Let alone for those who do not graduate from primary school, which already had the title was in trouble. All of them equally. In villages and in town. Same thing.

So, fortunately for those who have jobs. Give thanks. For any profession, that line of fate has been determined. Never grumble. Moreover, ashamed of his work today. That will only add to the burden.

Why be ashamed of themselves and their families? In addition to kosher affair, what a contemptible self just because a job? No! As low as any job, any job that bad, just a matter of perception. Chatter of outsiders who are not unfounded.

Without a garbage man, who would pick up the garbage that littered. Without OB in the office, all employees would have to be bothered. Without the construction workers, no houses and high rise buildings. Every job has its own value. It is this value which proves that no job is despicable!

The most important is how we respond to a job. How do we apply professionally as possible to the work that is being cultivated. Career issues and the amount of revenue just to wait a matter of time. There are always new lessons to be drawn from any type of work.

Workers low wages so relevant, retired at a very low paid and some are not able to cash pensioners at all, the absence of free lifetime health insurance and the absence of well-being generated by the entire people of Indonesia, including all that we are not fully guaranteed welfare rights at all, we are the defenders of the law inikan let us fight kemakzulan and disobedience committed by the government against us all.

* If not us who appreciate, who else?

The answer is, "we have respect for our own work, but it will be but, if they have appreciated our work
Whether we like it or not, "history that would have brought into a type of state to speak. No country can guarantee the safety of its citizens from economic destruction weapons, and no country can effectively control the lives of its economy or its currency factors sendir.Tentu only the state can not protect citizens from threats such as transnational penepisan ozone layer, warming globalization, and epidemics of infectious diseases.

Not necessarily be able to do tasks or ideals of the market economy to do these things, very simple and probably very honest! "Of simplicity it will be even more apparent associated with social responsibility (Social Responsibility).

And as the "nation state", many have found through a process we call "long war". In the era of economic globalization is the mobility crisis, and of the extent to which the analysis said to have the charm of debate among the group itself, there many reasons to explain the existence of "economic decline and destruction of its validity".

Our country is a modern country that has a long way in sejarahnya.Pada 19 and 20 th century we can trace their origins to the present, not even giving guidance signs which can be surprising as the history of his journey. "Modern country like Indonesia", linking strategic planning with the stories of the changes in military technology and also then require a change into an economic strategy which spread its wings into the "Territorial State".

* How far the Government Should Be Limited?

The answer was: "if the country is characterized by the rule of law (Rule Of Law), are generally not concerned with the norms of justice, or to a collection of moral values, as long as the law is not doing anything wrong action to prevent the competition of market economy countries.

* Is the Motto of the Government to Come!

Creating a world market economy, which was proposed and described in the sense create the world that offers choice and protect the autonomy of each human being to make a choice? "Including the autonomy to make choices is a shift of genetic manipulation capabilities based on the legacy handed down to an ability that is engineered or an ability that can be strengthened through molecular biology.

We continue to be fooled by the government with programs that are not subject to the right target, for workers or the people of Indonesia, he said our country, a democratic country, but in reality it is not a democratic country but as a partisan state politik.Tuntutan workers and / or all of the people of Indonesia is to provide a fixed price for the government.

Who sich, which is actually stupid? "If this is the so-called developed countries and the rich in his produce!, But did not appreciate the values of the" noble values PANCASILA AND THE LAW OF 1945 FROM LEFT ", imagine-the nobility saja.Nilai Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, is now the scene of a very konsfensional once a logical and rational aspect of the show is not a democratic country but refers to the state of partisan politics sharpened for the interests of the state is not dominant for the survival of the entire people of Indonesia who is not be efficient and effective.

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